I want to make an Options page with multiple settings for my plugin. I want to use this code as a start: http://codex.wordpress.org/Creating_Options_Pages#Example_.232
class wctest{
public function __construct(){
add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_plugin_page'));
add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'page_init'));
public function add_plugin_page(){
// This page will be under "Settings"
add_options_page('Settings Admin', 'Settings', 'manage_options', 'test-setting-admin', array($this, 'create_admin_page'));
public function create_admin_page(){
<div class="wrap">
<?php screen_icon(); ?>
<form method="post" action="options.php">
// This prints out all hidden setting fields
<?php submit_button(); ?>
public function page_init(){
register_setting('test_option_group', 'array_key', array($this, 'check_ID'));
array($this, 'print_section_info'),
'Some ID(Title)',
array($this, 'create_an_id_field'),
public function check_ID($input){
$mid = $input['some_id'];
if(get_option('test_some_id') === FALSE){
add_option('test_some_id', $mid);
update_option('test_some_id', $mid);
$mid = '';
return $mid;
public function print_section_info(){
print 'Enter your setting below:';
public function create_an_id_field(){
?><input type="text" id="input_whatever_unique_id_I_want" name="array_key[some_id]" value="<?=get_option('test_some_id');?>" /><?php
$wctest = new wctest();
Everything works as shown below the code on the page, but I want to add a second setting. How do I add another settings section and a settings field and being able to safe the values? I have been puzzling for half a day now, but no luck.
Could someone help me out please? This is my first plugin and if I understand this part I can do the rest.
To add additional section you must set the ID parameter, the first one, to something different than the ID of the first setting.
I just modified the example in the Codex: Creating_Options_Pages#Example_.232. Now it includes a second Settings Field. The sanitization function is simpler to understand and expand. Also changed the names of the variables and added documentation in the code. I think it's easier to follow the logic now. Here it is in full:
If you want to add new Settings Sections, just do it and point the desired Settings Fields to the new section.
Pull the information wherever needed using:
get_option( 'my_option_name' );