I working on a Solr 4 for optimizing my solr results rank based on popularity rank stored in Index.
Now when someone searches, apart from relevancy rank, I want to influence relevancy rank using popularity rank. The simplest formula could be:
new relavancy rank = score * popularityrank
I have been looking at Solr function query at http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FunctionQuery#product to achieve the same however, I'm not sure how to get it to work. I didn't get how to get score multiplied using product function. Trying to get it done, I always get error as field not defined.
Now I can use boost as defined here How to boost fields in solr, but I have additional logic/requirement where I want to use functional query provided by Solr.
For example, I have tried with following simple query that seems to work
Now, for my actual requirement, I want to take score as $v2, however I am not able to find how to do this.
Any help is highly appreicated.
You can try using the
hook provided by Solr.For instance, in order to sort by
score * popularityrank
, try using thisUse query() function to get the value of 'score' instead.
So if you're trying for this: new_score = score * popularity , use the following format.
q=searchterm&sort=product(query($q),popularity) desc
query($q) - returns the TF-IDF score for the query. So this is the equivalent of using the 'score' field.