I have an F# Class Library with the "xUnit.net" and "xUnit.net Runners" packages installed using NuGet. I have the following code:
module XUnitTest
open Xunit
let Test () =
do Assert.True (1 = 2)
When I run the xUnit GUI (xunit.gui.clr4.exe, which NuGet adds to (projectdirectory)\packages\xunit.runners.1.9.1\tools), and load the assembly built by this project, the Test () method appears, and fails when I run it, as expected.
However, I cannot get the test to appear in VS 2012's Test Explorer, no matter how many times I rebuild, restart, etc. If I click Run All, the build output window pops up but nothing else happens.
For the heck of it I also installed the xUnit.net Extensions, though I don't believe they're necessary for what I'm trying to do. That didn't help either.
Please let me know if I can provide additional information and thank you for reading!
Be sure to search Including Prereleases. The package you need is 'xUnit.net [Visual Studio Runner]', which is a prerelease. If you only search for Stable releases, you will only find 'xUnit.net: Runners', which will not work in Visual Studio.
Pretty sure based on the to/fro that you need to install
xUnit.net runner for Visual Studio 2012 VSIX extensionthe xUnit.net runners NuGet package as detailed on the relevant xUnit docs page.The MSTest equivalent is built in to a standard VS install.