OK, I'm trying to use Hybridauth with laravel 4. However I seem to be getting the very common when trying to log in with facebook:
Authentication failed! Facebook returned an invalid user id.
I have read all the other posts, and have had no luck, so just hoping someone may be able to help me.
I followed this tutorial: http://www.mrcasual.com/on/coding/laravel4-package-management-with-composer/
And have tried several other configurations to no success.
Here is my config/hybridauth.php
return array(
"base_url" => "http://myapp.dev/social/auth/",
"providers" => array (
"Facebook" => array (
"enabled" => true,
"keys" => array ( "id" => "****", "secret" => "****" ),
And here is my route:
Route::get('social/{action?}', array("as" => "hybridauth", function($action = "")
// check URL segment
if ($action == "auth") {
// process authentication
try {
catch (Exception $e) {
// redirect back to http://URL/social/
return Redirect::route('hybridauth');
try {
// create a HybridAuth object
$socialAuth = new Hybrid_Auth(app_path() . '/config/hybridauth.php');
// authenticate with Facebook
$provider = $socialAuth->authenticate("Facebook");
// fetch user profile
$userProfile = $provider->getUserProfile();
catch(Exception $e) {
// exception codes can be found on HybBridAuth's web site
return $e->getMessage();
// access user profile data
echo "Connected with: <b>{$provider->id}</b><br />";
echo "As: <b>{$userProfile->displayName}</b><br />";
echo "<pre>" . print_r( $userProfile, true ) . "</pre><br />";
// logout
So, when I access "myapp.dev/social" I'm brought to the facebook sign up page everthing seems to work fine, asks me to allow permissions to myadd.dev. After I click OK I am brought to the following URL: http://myapp.ie/social#_=_
where the error is displayed.
Not sure if this is relevant:
Just from observing other sites that in-cooperate a facebook login.. the redirect URL looks something like http://somesite.dev/subdomain/#_=_
. In other words they have a slash before the #=. Is this my problem, how do I fix it?? Very new to hybridauth so any help greatly appreciated thanks.
Oh I do realize that this post is very similar to other posts but I have yet to find a solution.
UPDATE: the exact error: Authentification failed. The user has canceled the authentication or the provider refused the connection.
REMOVE THE TRAILING SLASH !!! (in config/hybridauth.php)
"base_url" => "http://myapp.dev/social/auth/",
should be
"base_url" => "http://myapp.dev/social/auth",
I had the exact same error message on a wordpress installation using Hybridauth. To find the problem I set up an isolated test with the Facebook PHP SDK (which Hybridauth uses) just to find out that
was not enabled on my host. Happily, an easy fix.If you are on apache open you
and deletecurl_exec
from this line:Reload your apache configuration and voila :)
Hope this will help somebody.
Had this error in the past. Solved by modyfying Hybridauth's code myself.
Let me know if it helps.
In base_facebook.php do following
For anyone else this is what worked for me: I reset app secret and now works great. No idea why my first app secret key did not work. Spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to fix this error.
at modules/hybridauth/Hybrid/thirdparty/Facebook/base_facebook.php:128