I'm setting up a custom hydrator in Doctrine 2 in a Symfony 2 project, but for it to do what it needs it requires another service. The documentation for custom hydrators only shows how to provide a hydrator class, so there's no way to inject dependencies.
For example:
$em->getConfiguration()->addCustomHydrationMode('CustomHydrator', 'MyProject\Hydrators\CustomHydrator');
I suspect Doctrine is initialising the hydrators itself and as such any dependencies would need to be passed through some other Doctrine classes first.
Is there a way to provide a custom "hydration factory" or similar to Doctrine that would allow injection of additional dependencies? Custom hydrators seem fairly limited without this capability.
Answer: Thanks to Denis V
I got this working as follows. I can't post the actual code so I've put together some dummy placeholders so you can see how it fits together.
class: Acme\ExampleBundle\Entity\DoctrineEntityManager
factory_class: Acme\ExampleBundle\Entity\DoctrineEntityManager
factory_method: create
abstract: true
- [ setMyDependency, [@acme.my_custom_service]]
namespace Acme\ExampleBundle\Entity;
use Acme\ExampleBundle\Hydrator\MyHydrator;
use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Configuration;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager as BaseEntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\ORMException;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query;
class DoctrineEntityManager extends BaseEntityManager
protected $myDependency;
* Note: This must be redefined as Doctrine's own entity manager has its own class name hardcoded in.
public static function create($conn, Configuration $config, EventManager $eventManager = null)
if (!$config->getMetadataDriverImpl()) {
throw ORMException::missingMappingDriverImpl();
switch (true) {
case (is_array($conn)):
$conn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection(
$conn, $config, ($eventManager ?: new EventManager())
case ($conn instanceof Connection):
if ($eventManager !== null && $conn->getEventManager() !== $eventManager) {
throw ORMException::mismatchedEventManager();
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid argument: " . $conn);
return new self($conn, $config, $conn->getEventManager());
public function setMyDependency($myCustomService)
$this->myDependency = $myCustomService;
public function newHydrator($hydrationMode)
if ($hydrationMode == 'MyHydrationMode') {
return new MyHydrator($this, $this->myDependency);
return parent::newHydrator($hydrationMode);
namespace Acme\ExampleBundle\Hydrator;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\Internal\Hydration\ObjectHydrator;
class MyHydrator extends ObjectHydrator
protected $myDependency;
public __construct(EntityManager $em, $myDependency)
$this->myDependency = $myDependency;
protected function hydrateAllData()
/* hydration stuff with my dependency here */
Try adding this in your config.yml
As you cannot inject anything to the Hydrator itself, you can instead create a custom EntityManager (that you suggested yourself).
It can be done this way:
Really good answer but please be advised that Doctrine maintainers explicitly said not to extend Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager and I suppose that in the future they will make it final to enforce this.
So instead of the proposed solution without breaking rules here is the cleaner solution:
And now define this service in your services.xml file as decorating the desired entity manager: