As in the title. How can I clear console in C++?
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You can use the operating system's clear console method via system("");
for windows it would be system("cls"); for example
and instead of releasing three different codes for different operating systems. just make a method to get what os is running.
you can do this by detecting if unique system variables exist with #ifdef
To clear the screen you will first need to include a module:
this will import windows commands. Then you can use the 'system' function to run Batch commands (which edit the console). On Windows in C++, the command to clear the screen would be:
And that would clear the console. The entire code would look like this:
And that's all you need! Goodluck :)
The easiest way for me without having to reinvent the wheel.
The just call cls() anywhere
use: clrscr();
This is hard for to do on MAC seeing as it doesn't have access to the windows functions that can help clear the screen. My best fix is to loop and add lines until the terminal is clear and then run the program. However this isn't as efficient or memory friendly if you use this primarily and often.