How to write a:hover in inline CSS?

2018-12-31 03:10发布

I have a case where I must write inline CSS code, and I want to apply a hover style on an anchor.

How can I use a:hover in inline CSS inside the HTML style attribute?

E.g. you can't reliably use CSS classes in HTML emails.

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:39

I just figured out a different solution.

My issue: I have an <a> tag around some slides/main content viewer as well as <a> tags in the footer. I want them to go to the same place in IE, so the whole paragraph would be underlined onHover, even though they're not links: the slide as a whole is a link. IE doesn't know the difference. I also have some actual links in my footer that do need the underline and color change onHover. I thought I would have to put styles inline with the footer tags to make the color change, but advice from above suggests that this is impossible.

Solution: I gave the footer links two different classes, and my problem was solved. I was able to have the onHover color change in one class, have the slides onHover have no color change/underline, and still able to have the external HREFS in the footer and the slides at the same time!

3楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:43

There is no way to do this. Your options are to use a JavaScript or a CSS block.

Maybe there is some JavaScript library that will convert a proprietary style attribute to a style block. But then the code will not be standard-compliant.

4楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:45

My problem was that I'm building a website which uses a lot of image-icons that have to be swapped by a different image on hover (e.g. blue-ish images turn red-ish on hover). I produced the following solution for this:

.container div {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-size: 100px 100px;
.container:hover .withoutHover {
  display: none;
.container .withHover {
  display: none;
.container:hover .withHover {
  display: block;
<p>Hover the image to see it switch with the other. Note that I deliberately used inline CSS because I decided it was the easiest and clearest solution for my problem that uses more of these image pairs (with different URL's).
<div class=container>
<div class=withHover style="background-image: url('')"></div>
<div class=withoutHover style="background-image: url('')"></div>

I introduced a container containing the pair of images. The first is visible and the other is hidden (display:none). When hovering the container, the first becomes hidden (display:none) and the second shows up again (display:block).

5楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:47

This is the best code example:

<a style="color:blue;text-decoration: underline;background: white;"   href=""    onMouseOver="'#0F0'"

6楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:48
<style>a:hover { }</style>
<a href="/">Go Home</a>

Hover is a pseudo class, and thus cannot be applied with a style attribute. It is part of the selector.

7楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:50

You can do id by adding a class but never inline.

<div class="hover_pointer" style="font:bold 12pt Verdana;">Hello World</div>

2 lines but you can re-use the class everywhere.

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