What does RESTful Authentication mean and how does it work? I can't find a good overview on Google. My only understanding is that you pass the session key (remeberal) in the URL, but this could be horribly wrong.
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How to handle authentication in a RESTful Client-Server architecture is a matter of debate.
Commonly, it can be achieved, in the SOA over HTTP world via:
You'll have to adapt, or even better mix those techniques, to match your software architecture at best.
Each authentication scheme has its own PROs and CONs, depending on the purpose of your security policy and software architecture.
HTTP basic auth over HTTPS
This first solution, based on the standard HTTPS protocol, is used by most web services.
It's easy to implement, available by default on all browsers, but has some known drawbacks, like the awful authentication window displayed on the Browser, which will persist (there is no LogOut-like feature here), some server-side additional CPU consumption, and the fact that the user-name and password are transmitted (over HTTPS) into the Server (it should be more secure to let the password stay only on the client side, during keyboard entry, and be stored as secure hash on the Server).
We may use Digest Authentication, but it requires also HTTPS, since it is vulnerable to MiM or Replay attacks, and is specific to HTTP.
Session via Cookies
To be honest, a session managed on the Server is not truly Stateless.
One possibility could be to maintain all data within the cookie content. And, by design, the cookie is handled on the Server side (Client, in fact, does even not try to interpret this cookie data: it just hands it back to the server on each successive request). But this cookie data is application state data, so the client should manage it, not the server, in a pure Stateless world.
The cookie technique itself is HTTP-linked, so it's not truly RESTful, which should be protocol-independent, IMHO. It is vulnerable to MiM or Replay attacks.
Granted via Token (OAuth2)
An alternative is to put a token within the HTTP headers so that the request is authenticated. This is what OAuth 2.0 does, for instance. See the RFC 6749:
In short, this is very similar to a cookie and suffers to the same issues: not stateless, relying on HTTP transmission details, and subject to a lot of security weaknesses - including MiM and Replay - so is to be used only over HTTPS. Typically, a JWT is used as a token.
Query Authentication
Query Authentication consists in signing each RESTful request via some additional parameters on the URI. See this reference article.
It was defined as such in this article:
This technique is perhaps the more compatible with a Stateless architecture, and can also be implemented with a light session management (using in-memory sessions instead of DB persistence).
For instance, here is a generic URI sample from the link above:
should be transmitted as such:
The string being signed is
and the signature is the SHA256 hash of that string using the private component of the API key.Server-side data caching can be always available. For instance, in our framework, we cache the responses at the SQL level, not at the URI level. So adding this extra parameter doesn't break the cache mechanism.
See this article for some details about RESTful authentication in our client-server ORM/SOA/MVC framework, based on JSON and REST. Since we allow communication not only over HTTP/1.1, but also named pipes or GDI messages (locally), we tried to implement a truly RESTful authentication pattern, and not rely on HTTP specificity (like header or cookies).
Later Note: adding a signature in the URI can be seen as bad practice (since for instance it will appear in the http server logs) so it has to be mitigated, e.g. by a proper TTL to avoid replays. But if your http logs are compromised, you will certainly have bigger security problems.
In practice, the upcoming MAC Tokens Authentication for OAuth 2.0 may be a huge improvement in respect to the "Granted by Token" current scheme. But this is still a work in progress and is tied to HTTP transmission.
It's worth concluding that REST is not only HTTP-based, even if, in practice, it's also mostly implemented over HTTP. REST can use other communication layers. So a RESTful authentication is not just a synonym of HTTP authentication, whatever Google answers. It should even not use the HTTP mechanism at all but shall be abstracted from the communication layer. And if you use HTTP communication, thanks to the Let's Encrypt initiative there is no reason not to use proper HTTPS, which is required in addition to any authentication scheme.
To answer this question from my understanding...
An authentication system that uses REST so that you do not need to actually track or manage the users in your system. This is done by using the HTTP methods POST, GET, PUT, DELETE. We take these 4 methods and think of them in terms of database interaction as CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE (but on the web we use POST and GET because that is what anchor tags support currently). So treating POST and GET as our CREATE/READ/UPDATE/DELETE (CRUD) then we can design routes in our web application that will be able to deduce what action of CRUD we are achieving.
For example, in a Ruby on Rails application we can build our web app such that if a user who is logged in visits http://store.com/account/logout then the GET of that page can viewed as the user attempting to logout. In our rails controller we would build an action in that logs the user out and sends them back to the home page.
A GET on the login page would yield a form. a POST on the login page would be viewed as a login attempt and take the POST data and use it to login.
To me, it is a practice of using HTTP methods mapped to their database meaning and then building an authentication system with that in mind you do not need to pass around any session id's or track sessions.
I'm still learning -- if you find anything I have said to be wrong please correct me, and if you learn more post it back here. Thanks.
First and foremost, a RESTful web service is STATELESS (or in other words, SESSIONLESS). Therefore, a RESTful service does not have and should not have a concept of session or cookies involved. The way to do authentication or authorization in the RESTful service is by using the HTTP Authorization header as defined in the RFC 2616 HTTP specifications. Every single request should contain the HTTP Authorization header, and the request should be sent over an HTTPs (SSL) connection. This is the correct way to do authentication and to verify the authorization of requests in a HTTP RESTful web services. I have implemented a RESTful web service for the Cisco PRIME Performance Manager application at Cisco Systems. And as part of that web service, I have implemented authentication/authorization as well.
Rubens Gomes.
Using a Public key infrastruction in which the registration of a key involves proper binding ensures that the public key is bound to the individual to which it is assigned in a way that ensures non-repudiation
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_key_infrastructure . If you follow the proper PKI standards, the person or agent who improperly uses the stolen key can be identified and locked out. If the agent is required to use a certificate, the binding gets pretty tight. A clever and quick-moving thief can escape, but they leave more crumbs.
The 'very insightful' article mentioned by @skrebel ( http://www.berenddeboer.net/rest/authentication.html ) discusses a convoluted but really broken method of authentication.
You may try to visit the page (which is supposed to be viewable only to authenticated user) http://www.berenddeboer.net/rest/site/authenticated.html without any login credentials.
(Sorry I can't comment on the answer.)
I would say REST and authentication simply do not mix. REST means stateless but 'authenticated' is a state. You cannot have them both at the same layer. If you are a RESTful advocate and frown upon states, then you have to go with HTTPS (i.e. leave the security issue to another layer).
Here is a truly and completely RESTful authentication solution:
When a client authenticates:
3.1. issue a token which contains the following:
3.2. Encrypt the token with the private key.
3.3. Send the encrypted token back to the user.
When the user accesses any API they must also pass in their auth token.
This is stateless/RESTful authentication.
Note, that if a password hash were included the user would also send the unencrypted password along with the authentication token. The server could verify that the password matched the password that was used to create the authentication token by comparing hashes. A secure connection using something like HTTPS would be necessary. Javascript on the client side could handle getting the user's password and storing it client side, either in memory or in a cookie, possibly encrypted with the server's public key.