Why/when should you use nested classes in .net? Or

2019-01-02 23:20发布

In Kathleen Dollard's recent blog post, she presents an interesting reason to use nested classes in .net. However, she also mentions that FxCop doesn't like nested classes. I'm assuming that the people writing FxCop rules aren't stupid, so there must be reasoning behind that position, but I haven't been able to find it.

2楼-- · 2019-01-02 23:55

Use a nested class when the class you are nesting is only useful to the enclosing class. For instance, nested classes allow you to write something like (simplified):

public class SortedMap {
    private class TreeNode {
        TreeNode left;
        TreeNode right;

You can make a complete definition of your class in one place, you don't have to jump through any PIMPL hoops to define how your class works, and the outside world doesn't need to see anything of your implementation.

If the TreeNode class was external, you would either have to make all the fields public or make a bunch of get/set methods to use it. The outside world would have another class polluting their intellisense.

3楼-- · 2019-01-02 23:56

As nawfal mentioned implementation of Abstract Factory pattern, that code can be axtended to achieve Class Clusters pattern which is based on Abstract Factory pattern.

4楼-- · 2019-01-02 23:56

I like to nest exceptions that are unique to a single class, ie. ones that are never thrown from any other place.

For example:

public class MyClass
    void DoStuff()
        if (!someArbitraryCondition)
            // This is the only class from which OhNoException is thrown
            throw new OhNoException(
                "Oh no! Some arbitrary condition was not satisfied!");
        // Do other stuff

    public class OhNoException : Exception
        // Constructors calling base()

This helps keep your project files tidy and not full of a hundred stubby little exception classes.

5楼-- · 2019-01-02 23:57

Another use not yet mentioned for nested classes is the segregation of generic types. For example, suppose one wants to have some generic families of static classes that can take methods with various numbers of parameters, along with values for some of those parameters, and generate delegates with fewer parameters. For example, one wishes to have a static method which can take an Action<string, int, double> and yield a String<string, int> which will call the supplied action passing 3.5 as the double; one may also wish to have a static method which can take an an Action<string, int, double> and yield an Action<string>, passing 7 as the int and 5.3 as the double. Using generic nested classes, one can arrange to have the method invocations be something like:

MakeDelegate<string,int>.WithParams<double>(theDelegate, 3.5);
MakeDelegate<string>.WithParams<int,double>(theDelegate, 7, 5.3);

or, because the latter types in each expression can be inferred even though the former ones can't:

MakeDelegate<string,int>.WithParams(theDelegate, 3.5);
MakeDelegate<string>.WithParams(theDelegate, 7, 5.3);

Using the nested generic types makes it possible to tell which delegates are applicable to which parts of the overall type description.

6楼-- · 2019-01-02 23:57

yes for this case:

class Join_Operator

    class Departamento
        public int idDepto { get; set; }
        public string nombreDepto { get; set; }

    class Empleado
        public int idDepto { get; set; }
        public string nombreEmpleado { get; set; }

    public void JoinTables()
        List<Departamento> departamentos = new List<Departamento>();
        departamentos.Add(new Departamento { idDepto = 1, nombreDepto = "Arquitectura" });
        departamentos.Add(new Departamento { idDepto = 2, nombreDepto = "Programación" });

        List<Empleado> empleados = new List<Empleado>();
        empleados.Add(new Empleado { idDepto = 1, nombreEmpleado = "John Doe." });
        empleados.Add(new Empleado { idDepto = 2, nombreEmpleado = "Jim Bell" });

        var joinList = (from e in empleados
                        join d in departamentos on
                        e.idDepto equals d.idDepto
                        select new
                            nombreEmpleado = e.nombreEmpleado,
                            nombreDepto = d.nombreDepto
        foreach (var dato in joinList)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} es empleado del departamento de {1}", dato.nombreEmpleado, dato.nombreDepto);
7楼-- · 2019-01-02 23:58

If I understand Katheleen's article right, she proposes to use nested class to be able to write SomeEntity.Collection instead of EntityCollection< SomeEntity>. In my opinion it's controversial way to save you some typing. I'm pretty sure that in real world application collections will have some difference in implementations, so you will need to create separate class anyway. I think that using class name to limit other class scope is not a good idea. It pollutes intellisense and strengthen dependencies between classes. Using namespaces is a standard way to control classes scope. However I find that usage of nested classes like in @hazzen comment is acceptable unless you have tons of nested classes which is a sign of bad design.

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