I just upgraded to Eclipse Mars and suddenly my ANT task working fine with Lunar complains:
The archive: C:/Program%20Files/eclipse_lunar/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_64_3.104.0.v20150528-0211.jar which is referenced by the classpath, does not exist.
Which is weird, because
- I'm sure none .classpath file does reference to this jar
- the jar actually exists under that path
After some research it seems it is related to https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=470390
Anyone has a solution to run my ANT (besides from using lunar again) ?
A possible solution is to create the folder "C:\Program%20Files\eclipse_lunar\plugins" and place a copy of the actual *.jar from "C:\Program Files\eclipse_lunar\plugins" there
Error message:
The problem was the Eclipse Mars is downloaded and extracted under a folder which space contained in its name. In the above error message the path contains folder names with spaces in between and displayed as
Inorder to solve this use anyone of the workaround mentioned below,
eg: Rename
My Folder
Create a symbolic link folder in windows using mklink command,
mklink /d D:\My%20Folder "D:\My Folder"
You'll get the following message,
symbolic link created for D:\My%20Folder <<===>> D:\My Folder
Note: For creating symbolic link you need to run the above command in the elevated command prompt.
Now you can run the ant scripts without the above error. This is a bug reported to eclipse and will be patched in the future releases.
Move the eclipse program directory to another folder wihtout spaces
This worked for me: