I got an error in Eclipse. What does this error message means:
The type iglu.ir.TermVector cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
I got an error in Eclipse. What does this error message means:
The type iglu.ir.TermVector cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
If you still can not find anything wrong with your setup, you can try Project -> Clean and clean all the projects in the workspace.
EDIT: Sorry, did not see the suggestion of verbose_mode ... same thing
Quickly and Simply I fixed it this way ( I use ADT version: v21.0.0-531062 on Windows XP home edition)
It worked BUT the problem returns every few days. I do the same as above and it solves and lets me develop.
When i use a new eclipse version and try to use the previous workspace which i used with old eclipse version, this error occured.
Here is how i solve the problem:
Right click my project on Package Explorer -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> I see an error(Cross Sign) on JRE System Library. Because the path cannot be found. -> Double click the JRE System Library -> Select the option "Workspace Default JRE" -> Finish -> OK. -> BUM IT IS WORKING
What fixed it for me was
right clicking on project > Maven > Update Project
For me, it happens when I upgrade my jdk to 1.8.0_60 with my old set of jars has been used for long time. If I fall back to jdk1.7.0_25, all these problem are gone. It seems a problem about the compatibility between the JRE and the libraries.
Since you give us very little details, most likely what you did, which is an incredibly easy mistake to make, is that instead of heading to
Build Path > Configure Build Path > Projects
and adding your additional project folder from there, instead you went to
Build Path > Configure Build Path > Libraries
and added your project folder from there instead.
This is most definitely the case if your code is all correct, but upon automatically reorganizing imports via the
shortcut , instead of your import statements referring to com.your.additionalproject, your references all point to bin.com.your.additionalproject.Note the bin. Meaning that you -are- indirectly referring to your class by treating your other project folder structure as a library, making your IDE doing all the wokr of finding the exactly binary class you're referring to.
To correct this, remove the folder from the Libraries, and instead add it under the Projects tab, and reorganize your imports. Your project should work fine.