We use KIF for our functional testing, and it uses the accessibility label of elements to determine where to send events. I'm currently trying to test the behaviour of a UISegmentedControl, but in order to do so I need to set different accessibility labels for the different segments of the control. How do I set the accessibility label for a particular segment?
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As Vortex said, the array is right to left with [0] starting on the right. You can set every single accessibility option by accessing the subviews. Since the subviews are optional, it is good to pull out the subview first, and then assign the accessibility traits that you want. Swift 4 example for a simple two option segment control:
As Vertex said,
some advice so you don't go crazy like I did:
If you look at the segmented control thru the accessibility inspector, you find that the segments are UISegment objects. Moreover, they turn out to be direct subviews of the UISegmentedControl. That fact suggests the following insanely crazy but perfectly safe Swift 4 code to set the accessibility labels of the segments of a UISegmentedControl:
I'm just getting started with KIF myself, so I haven't tested this, but it may be worth a try. I'm sure I'll have the same issue soon, so I'd be interested to hear if it works.
First, UIAccessibility Protocol Reference has a note under accessibilityLabel that says:
So, I'm wondering if you could set the accessibilityLabel on each NSString object as well and be able to use that to access each segment with KIF. As a start, you could try creating a couple of strings, setting their accessibility labels, and using [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:myStringArray]; to populate it.
Please update us on your progress. I'd like to hear how this goes