We want to build a simple application that use a lot of videos and images. The application should run on different mobile devices running Andriod and iPhone operating systems. Does Ionic also convert each application to all mobiles options ?
What do you suggest to use Cordova or Ionic?
Make your app pretty with Ionic, and it uses Cordova to wrap it for the platforms you wish.
Ionic is a superset of Cordova.
Ionic is a UI framework which operates on top of Cordova. Cordova is lower-level, Ionic is built to be used with Cordova.
edit: This answer is an update to Ionic framework version 3:
Disclaimer: This will sound like advertisement, so I have to say I'm in no way affiliated with Ionic, I just happen to like it so much that I'm sharing the love for it.
Ionic is so much more than “just” an UI framework. Ionic allows you to:
ionic cordova resources
. This alone saves you at least a day of image preparing for various sizes.ionic cordova run --livereload
ionic lab
ionic upload
ionic cordova build ios
orionic cordova build android
).This is the previous answer which covered Ionic 1
Disclamer: This will sound like advertisement, so I have to say I'm in no way affiliated with Ionic, I just happen to like it so much that I'm sharing the love for it.
Ionic is so much more than "just" an UI framework. Ionic allows you to:
ionic resources
. This alone saves you at least a day of image preparing for various sizes.ionic run --livereload
ionic serve --lab
ionic share
Also, they're building a full-stack backend services and tools for your Ionic app like Deploy (for deploying a new version without going through Apple review process!), Analytics, Push notifications.
Ionic CLI (command line interface) uses Cordova in the backend and allows you to build (directly using Ionic CLI) apps for iOS and Android (you by doing
ionic build ios
orionic build android
and woila).Ionic uses Angular as a frontend framework so if you're familiar with it it will come as a bonus. They're working closely with the Angular 2.0 team too.
All in all, I personally think Ionic has a bright future, so if nothing else - give it a try I bet you'll like the ease of making an app with it.