I had made the twitter application using the OAuth and MGTwitterEngine Library. The login phase is working fine but I am facing problem in logout. I had referred all the post of logout for OAuth but it doesn't works. So can anyone suggest the perfect method for logout from the Twitter ...? OR What changes I have to make in the Library file for the logout..!!
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I dont know how to logout. But if you want the login screen every time, do one thing (i dont know this is the right way), delete the login specific data which the engine saves in Userdefaults.
You must delete your account in Twitter application which is in the Settings menu of your iPhone.
I don't see it explicitly stated here, but I used the "clearAccessToken" function in the SA_OAuthTwitterEngine to "log out" the current user.
I use this tutorial for integreate twitter to iOS app link
For logout I use next:
_engine - this is instance of SA_OAuthTwitterEngine class.
You can call this method on your IBAction method.
Also need this method
There is no sign out from Twitter OAuth/xAuth... you need to implement client side solution:
hope that will help
Did anyone ever find the solution for this? If so, please post!
UPDATE: I figured it out. In the MGTwitterEngine.m, search for _clearCookies in initWithDelegate method. This is currently set to NO, change it to YES. In your action method for logging out the current user, call [_engine clearAccessToken]. Now run it, and voila, it works!