I am trying to add a dynamic recursive navigation list menu to a site of am working on. The scenerio is that the menu has 2 levels related by a parentid(preid).
My issue is that I can display the 1st level list correctly, however I cannot get the second level to display properly. I am not sure where to add the UL and /UL tags for the second level.
This is what I am after
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
<li>item 3</li>
<li>sub item 1</li>
<li>sub item 2</li>
<li>Item 4</li>
<li>item 5</li>
<li>sub item 1</li>
<li>sub item 2</li>
<li>item 6</li>
This is actually what i am getting with the below code:
<li>item 1
<li>item 2
<li>sub item 1</li>
<li>sub item 2</li>
<li>Sports Injuries
Below is the class file I am using to create the menu:
class Dynamic_Menu
function getConfig()
$this->DB_SERVER = 'localhost';
$this->DB_USER = '***';
$this->DB_PASS = '***';
$this->DB_NAME = '***';
function __construct()
$Conn = mysql_connect($this->DB_SERVER, $this->DB_USER, $this->DB_PASS);
if (!$Conn)
die("Error: ".mysql_errno($Conn).":- ".mysql_error($Conn));
$DB_select = mysql_select_db($this->DB_NAME, $Conn);
if (!$DB_select)
die("Error: ".mysql_errno($Conn).":- ".mysql_error($Conn));
function select_row($sql)
//echo $sql . "<br />";
if ($sql!="")
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error: ".mysql_errno().":- ".mysql_error());
if ($result)
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
function recordCount($sql)
if ($sql!="")
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error: ".mysql_errno().":- ".mysql_error());
if ($result)
$cnt = mysql_num_rows($result);
return $cnt;
function getChild($id)
$menu = "";
$str = "";
$s = "SELECT * FROM vcms_sys_explorer WHERE preid = '$id' ";
$res = $this->select_row($s);
$menu .= '<ul>';
for ($i=0;$i<count($res);$i++)
$cnt_of_child = $this->recordCount("SELECT * FROM vcms_sys_explorer where preid = '".$res[$i][eid]."' ");
//if ($cnt_of_child > 0)
// $str = '';
// $str = " (is sub menu item)";
$menu .= '<li>'. $res[$i][name].$str.'</li>';
$menu .= $this->getChild($res[$i][eid]);
$menu .= '</ul>';
return $menu;
function getMenu($parentid)
$menu = "";
$s = "SELECT * FROM vcms_sys_explorer WHERE preid = '$parentid' ";
$res = $this->select_row($s);
$menu .= '<ul>';
for ($i=0;$i<count($res);$i++)
$menu .= '<li>'.$res[$i][name].$this->getChild($res[$i][eid]).'</li>';
if ((count($res) - 1) > $i) {
$menu .= '</ul>';
return $menu;
I call the menu with:
$menu = new Dynamic_Menu();
Could someone please help and explain where I need to place the level 2 UL and /UL tags. I have been banging my head with this for the last 2 days. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks...
In a nested list, sub-lists will always be contained within a list element-- that's what makes them nested. You can print a full list in just one function using this format (in generic code, but you should get the basic idea):
And this will give you a list structured properly as:
All though this question is not the exact same as the question I posted 2 days ago, here is the result of what I was attempting to do with folders rather than a DB. The following will traverse the directory and all sub directories of the specified $path and spits out the results in a nested un-ordered list upon completion of running the script. Hope it helps.