How can I create a window with multiple buttons in which do not go away apon clicking them. I'm trying to make a simple Windowed Box with buttons that can open programs. I've been using WBox.exe for my gui, however it closes the window before the program launches when you press any button. HTML crossed my mind, but I don't know how to make buttons or even know if it can launch a program on click.
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You can dynamically set the number of the buttons with radioButtons.bat
You may do that in a relatively simple way via a Batch-HTA hybrid file; this is an example:
Save this code in a file with .BAT extension. Perhaps you would need to adjust the values in
line in order to match the resolution of your screen. This example is simple enough so you may understand it even if you know nothing about .HTA files. For further details and links on this matter, see this post.