I made a function which will look up ages in a Dictionary
and show the matching name:
dictionary = {'george' : 16, 'amber' : 19}
search_age = raw_input("Provide age")
for age in dictionary.values():
if age == search_age:
name = dictionary[age]
print name
I know how to compare and find the age I just don't know how to show the name of the person. Additionally, I am getting a KeyError
because of line 5. I know it's not correct but I can't figure out how to make it search backwards.
You can get key by using
methods, see code samples below:Consider using Pandas. As stated in William McKinney's "Python for Data Analysis'
To query your series do the following:
Which yields:
If you need to do anything else with the output transforming the answer into a list might be useful:
This is how you access the dictionary to do what you want:
of course, your names are so off it looks like it would be printing an age, but it DOES print the name. Since you are accessing by name, it becomes more understandable if you write:
Better yet:
already been answered, but since several people mentioned reversing the dictionary, here's how you do it in one line (assuming 1:1 mapping) and some various perf data:
python 2.6:
if you think it's not 1:1, you can still create a reasonable reverse mapping with a couple lines:
how slow is this: slower than a simple search, but not nearly as slow as you'd think - on a 'straight' 100000 entry dictionary, a 'fast' search (i.e. looking for a value that should be early in the keys) was about 10x faster than reversing the entire dictionary, and a 'slow' search (towards the end) about 4-5x faster. So after at most about 10 lookups, it's paid for itself.
the second version (with lists per item) takes about 2.5x as long as the simple version.
Also had some interesting results with ifilter. Theoretically, ifilter should be faster, in that we can use itervalues() and possibly not have to create/go through the entire values list. In practice, the results were... odd...
So, for small offsets, it was dramatically faster than any previous version (2.36 *u*S vs. a minimum of 1.48 *m*S for previous cases). However, for large offsets near the end of the list, it was dramatically slower (15.1ms vs. the same 1.48mS). The small savings at the low end is not worth the cost at the high end, imho.
The output is as follows:
For multiple occurrences use: