I'm trying to get the user's timezone as a string on singup. example:
$timezone = "Asia/Tel_Aviv";
While researching the issue, I got how to Get timezone offset with Javascript, but I'm still unclear about how can I translate the timezone offset to a timezone string in php, as shown above?
Or, which other method cas I use in Javascript / PHP for getting the timezone string for each user?
I'm really not sure how to approach this.
You need to follow answers of Nicholas Pickering and deceze♦ partially. Do not use
's timezone_name_from_abbr function(Ref).Follow these steps to get UTC time of any timezone set in user system:
Javascript (client-side):
Php (server-side):
You can't do this in PHP alone.
You can use Javascript to set the value in a cookie, then use PHP to read the cookie on the next page (re)load.
Use this to convert the offset to the friendly timezone name in PHP. Javascript returns the offset in minutes, while this PHP function expects the input to be in seconds - so multiply by 60. The third parameter is a boolean value of whether or not you are in Daylight Savings Time. Read the manual and update the code to fit your needs.