A strict equality operator will tell you if two object types are equal. However, is there a way to tell if two objects are equal, much like the hash code value in Java?
Stack Overflow question Is there any kind of hashCode function in JavaScript? is similar to this question, but requires a more academic answer. The scenario above demonstrates why it would be necessary to have one, and I'm wondering if there is any equivalent solution.
I'd advise against hashing or serialization (as the JSON solution suggest). If you need to test if two objects are equal, then you need to define what equals means. It could be that all data members in both objects match, or it could be that must the memory locations match (meaning both variables reference the same object in memory), or may be that only one data member in each object must match.
Recently I developed an object whose constructor creates a new id (starting from 1 and incrementing by 1) each time an instance is created. This object has an isEqual function that compares that id value with the id value of another object and returns true if they match.
In that case I defined "equal" as meaning the the id values match. Given that each instance has a unique id this could be used to enforce the idea that matching objects also occupy the same memory location. Although that is not necessary.
I use this
function to produce copies of my objects that are JSON comparable:Comes in handy in tests (most test frameworks have an
function). E.g.If a difference is caught, strings get logged, making differences spottable:
This is an addition for all the above, not a replacement. If you need to fast shallow-compare objects without need to check extra recursive cases. Here is a shot.
This compares for: 1) Equality of number of own properties, 2) Equality of key names, 3) if bCompareValues == true, Equality of corresponding property values and their types (triple equality)
I faced the same problem and deccided to write my own solution. But because I want to also compare Arrays with Objects and vice-versa, I crafted a generic solution. I decided to add the functions to the prototype, but one can easily rewrite them to standalone functions. Here is the code:
This Algorithm is split into two parts; The equals function itself and a function to find the numeric index of a property in an array / object. The find function is only needed because indexof only finds numbers and strings and no objects .
One can call it like this:
The function either returns true or false, in this case true. The algorithm als allows comparison between very complex objects:
The upper example will return true, even tho the properties have a different ordering. One small detail to look out for: This code also checks for the same type of two variables, so "3" is not the same as 3.
Just wanted to contribute my version of objects comparison utilizing some es6 features. It doesn't take an order into account. After converting all if/else's to ternary I've came with following:
Here's a version of the stringify trick that is less typing and works in a lot of cases for trivial JSON data comparisons.