I have been trying for hours finding a way to setup POEdit so that it can grab the text from specific domain only
My gettext function looks like this:
function ri($id, $parameters = array(), $domain = 'default', $locale = null)
A sample call:
echo ri('Text %xyz%', array('%xyz%'=>100), 'myDomain');
I will need to grab only the text with the domain myDomain to translate, or at least I want POEdit to put these texts into domain specific files. Is there a way to do it?
I found several questions that are similar but the answers don't really tell me what to do (I think I'm such a noob it must be explained in plain English for me to understand):
(This is a repost of my answer to the same thing here.)
Neither GNU gettext tools nor Poedit (which uses them) support this particular misuse of gettext.
In gettext, domain is roughly “a piece of software” — a program, a library, a plugin, a theme. As such, it typically resides in a single directory tree and is alone there — or at the very least, if you have multiple pieces=domains, you have them organized sanely into some subdirectories that you can limit the extraction to.
Mixing and matching domains within a single file as you do is not how gettext was intended to be used, and there’s no reasonable solution to handle it other than using your own helper function, e.g. by wrapping all myDomain texts into
(which you must define, obviously) and adding that to the list of keywords in Poedit when extracting for myDomain and not adding that to the list of keywords for other domains' files.So I finally figured it out after days of searching, I finally found the answer here:
So to answer my own question, I added this to the "sources keywords" tab of Poedit:
ri is the function name, 1 is the location of the stringid, 3 is the location of the context/domain
Hope this helps someone else, I hate all these cryptic documents