For my small hobby project I need to emit machine code from C++ program in runtime. I have base address 0xDEADBEEF and want to write something like this:
Assembler a((void*)0xDEADBEEF);
a.Emit() <<
Push(Reg::Eax) <<
Push(Reg::Ebx) <<
Inline assembler isn't my choice because generated machine code is dependent of the program state.
Does anybody know any existing library for doing this? If no, would it be a good idea to develop one from scratch and make it open source? (I mean, will anybody ever use this library if it existed?)
This might be a overkill, because it supports many platforms, has its own intermediate language, does optimizations, etc, but the seems to be a god try.
You could use Nicolas Capen's softwire. Its really not supported any more as he now works on a similar product at Transgaming called SoftAsm. Still it kinda does what you want.
Edit June 2014: - It appears the sourceforge link above has been removed but it appears to be available under an LGPL license here.
Check out Asmjit. It seems to be the thing you're looking for.