I'm trying to write a piece of code that will take an ANTLR4 parser and use it to generate ASTs for inputs similar to the ones given by the -tree option on grun (misc.TestRig
). However, I'd additionally like for the output to include all the line number/offset information.
For example, instead of printing
(add (int 5) '+' (int 6))
I'd like to get
(add (int 5 [line 3, offset 6:7]) '+' (int 6 [line 3, offset 8:9]) [line 3, offset 5:10])
Or something similar.
There aren't a tremendous number of visitor examples for ANTLR4 yet, but I am pretty sure I can do most of this by copying the default implementation for toStringTree
(used by grun). However, I do not see any information about the line numbers or offsets.
I expected to be able to write super simple code like this:
String visit(ParseTree t) {
return "(" + t.productionName + t.visitChildren() + t.lineNumber + ")";
but it doesn't seem to be this simple. I'm guessing I should be able to get line number information from the parser, but I haven't figured out how to do so. How can I grab this line number/offset information in my traversal?
To fill in the few blanks in the solution below, I used:
List<String> ruleNames = Arrays.asList(parser.getRuleNames());
ParserRuleContext prc = parser.program();
ParseTree tree = prc;
to get the tree
and the ruleNames
. program
is the name for the top production in my grammar.
method can be implemented using aParseTreeListener
. The following listener produces exactly the same output asTrees.toStringTree
.The class can be used as follows:
The class can be modified to produce the information in your output by updating the