Update: I created a repository with less code to make it a bit easier to understand.
I'm trying to create a widget. I made it like described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6093753/2180161
It works partially, but I have a really strange bug. I made a screencast, so it's easier to understand what I mean: http://c.maysi.de/c6H9
As you can see there are some items which were added randomly. (RemoteViews
which were added to another RemoteViews
The same happens when I resize the widget.
The things I printed out in the log are like expected. there is no wrong data. Also there are no new log entries when I scroll.
This is my code:
public class MyWidgetViewsFactory implements RemoteViewsService.RemoteViewsFactory {
private static ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();
private static int itemnr = 0;
private static int subitemnr = 0;
private int appWidgetId;
private Context context;
public MyWidgetViewsFactory(Context context, Intent intent) {
this.context = context;
appWidgetId = intent.getIntExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID,
//Some random data to display
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Item item = new Item(String.valueOf(itemnr++));
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
String[] subitem = {String.valueOf(subitemnr++), String.valueOf(subitemnr++), String.valueOf(subitemnr++)};
public void onCreate() {
// no-op
public void onDestroy() {
// no-op
public int getCount() {
return items.size();
public RemoteViews getViewAt(int position) {
Log.d("MyWidgetViewsFactory", "getViewAt(" + position + "):" + items.get(position));
Item item = items.get(position);
RemoteViews itemView = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.widget_listview_item);
itemView.setTextViewText(R.id.textView_itemnr, item.getItemNr());
for (String[] s : item.getSubitems()) {
Log.d("MyWidgetViewsFactory", "subitem:" + s[0] + "|" + s[1] + "|" + s[2]);
RemoteViews subitem = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.widget_listview_subitem);
subitem.setTextViewText(R.id.textView_1, s[0]);
subitem.setTextViewText(R.id.textView_2, s[1]);
subitem.setTextViewText(R.id.textView_3, s[2]);
itemView.addView(R.id.linearLayout_item_body, subitem);
return itemView;
public RemoteViews getLoadingView() {
return (null);
public int getViewTypeCount() {
return (1);
public long getItemId(int position) {
return (position);
public boolean hasStableIds() {
return (true);
public void onDataSetChanged() {
// no-op
class Item {
private ArrayList<String[]> subitems = new ArrayList<>();
private String itemnr = "";
Item(String itemnr) {
this.itemnr = itemnr;
Item() {
public void addSubitem(String[] subitem) {
public ArrayList<String[]> getSubitems() {
return subitems;
public String getItemNr() {
return itemnr;
public void setItemNr(String itemnr) {
this.itemnr = itemnr;
public class MyWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider {
public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) {
// There may be multiple widgets active, so update all of them
Log.d("MyWidgetProvider", "appWidgetIds.lenght:" + appWidgetIds.length);
for (int appWidgetId : appWidgetIds) {
Intent svcIntent = new Intent(context, MyWidgetService.class);
svcIntent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId);
RemoteViews widget = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.widget_root);
widget.setRemoteAdapter(R.id.listView_widget, svcIntent);
widget.setRemoteAdapter(appWidgetId, R.id.listView_widget, svcIntent);
Intent clickIntent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);
PendingIntent clickPI = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, clickIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
widget.setPendingIntentTemplate(R.id.listView_widget, clickPI);*/
appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetId, widget);
public void onEnabled(Context context) {
// Enter relevant functionality for when the first widget is created
public void onDisabled(Context context) {
// Enter relevant functionality for when the last widget is disabled
public class MyWidgetService extends RemoteViewsService {
public RemoteViewsFactory onGetViewFactory(Intent intent) {
return (new MyWidgetViewsFactory(this.getApplicationContext(), intent));
all other resources can you find in the repo at GitHub.
Logcat output:
08-08 02:11:10.858 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(0):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@3e7179c9
08-08 02:11:10.860 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:0|1|2
08-08 02:11:10.864 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:3|4|5
08-08 02:11:10.866 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:6|7|8
08-08 02:11:10.927 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(0):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@3e7179c9
08-08 02:11:10.927 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:0|1|2
08-08 02:11:10.927 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:3|4|5
08-08 02:11:10.927 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:6|7|8
08-08 02:11:10.931 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(1):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@23e248ce
08-08 02:11:10.931 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:9|10|11
08-08 02:11:10.931 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:12|13|14
08-08 02:11:10.931 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:15|16|17
08-08 02:11:10.933 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(2):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@16dbf3ef
08-08 02:11:10.933 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:18|19|20
08-08 02:11:10.933 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:21|22|23
08-08 02:11:10.933 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:24|25|26
08-08 02:11:10.936 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(3):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@19d3defc
08-08 02:11:10.936 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:27|28|29
08-08 02:11:10.936 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:30|31|32
08-08 02:11:10.936 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:33|34|35
08-08 02:11:10.938 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(4):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@ee985
08-08 02:11:10.938 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:36|37|38
08-08 02:11:10.938 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:39|40|41
08-08 02:11:10.938 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:42|43|44
08-08 02:11:10.941 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(8):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@335e23da
08-08 02:11:10.941 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:72|73|74
08-08 02:11:10.941 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:75|76|77
08-08 02:11:10.941 32427-32443/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:78|79|80
08-08 02:11:10.943 32427-32447/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(9):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@229de00b
08-08 02:11:10.943 32427-32447/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:81|82|83
08-08 02:11:10.943 32427-32447/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:84|85|86
08-08 02:11:10.943 32427-32447/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:87|88|89
08-08 02:11:10.945 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(5):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@2afdeee8
08-08 02:11:10.945 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:45|46|47
08-08 02:11:10.945 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:48|49|50
08-08 02:11:10.945 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:51|52|53
08-08 02:11:10.948 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(7):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@1c599901
08-08 02:11:10.948 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:63|64|65
08-08 02:11:10.948 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:66|67|68
08-08 02:11:10.948 32427-32444/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:69|70|71
08-08 02:11:10.951 32427-32447/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ getViewAt(6):de.mayerhofersimon.listviewproblem.MyWidgetViewsFactory$Item@368aa3a6
08-08 02:11:10.951 32427-32447/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:54|55|56
08-08 02:11:10.951 32427-32447/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:57|58|59
08-08 02:11:10.951 32427-32447/? D/MyWidgetViewsFactory﹕ subitem:60|61|62
So the data gets passed correct. it just doesn't get correct displayed...
BTW: this is what it should look like: http://c.maysi.de/cB8K
Could it be, that the problem is because of nested remoteviews? because all the outer remoteviews are displayed correct...
Your problem seems to be in:
You are adding it twice.. , but only when the first item is not ignored, so it appears random.
I found the answer myself.
To fix the problem with the weird adding of views on scrolling and resizing you have to call
on the Layout where the subviews were added:And the problem that the views are not displayed is because of the color: After adding
all views are displayed:
Your thought behind ListView recycling issue is correct. You need to understand how things works at ground level.
MVC Pattern
How Pattern is Implemented?
Any time the data changes, the view should be updated by the controller. The Android framework gives you opportunity to display your view at the given position with your data by overriding the
getViewAt(int position)
.The controller calls thegetViewAt(int position)
to get the view at the given position in the ListView or RecyclerView. ListView or RecyclerView renders only visible rows on the screen. For example, If you have 100 items in the ListView and only 7 is visible on the screen than it will call getItemAt(int) 7 times. Every time you scroll the getItemAt(int) is called for the visible rows. The ListView and RemoteView take liberty to recycle/reuse the previously passed View returned by the getItemAt(int position). It ensures that memory consumed by graphical portion of your application is limitedWhy there is strange behavior?
First of all every visible thing on the screen is a
such as TextView, ImageView and ListView etc. If not it can not be displayed on the screen. RemoteView is not a View. You pass the layout and data to be displayed with the RemoteView (View + Data).Here the I am referring to your Screencast for the explanation.
What you should do?
As per your implementation, you created the RemoteView only once and tried reusing the same view at the
, may be to save on the layout inflation time.To fix the issue, you MUST provide the FRESH
every timegetItemAt(int)
is called.