Expand a div to take the remaining width

2018-12-31 03:01发布

I want a two-column div layout, where each one can have variable width e.g.

div {
    float: left;
.second {
    background: #ccc;
<div class="second">View</div>

I want the 'view' div to expand to the whole width available after 'tree' div has filled needed space. Currently my 'view' div is resized to content it contains It will also be good if both divs take up whole height

Not duplicate disclaimer:

Expand div to max width when float:left is set because there the left one has a fixed width.

Help with div - make div fit the remaining width because I need two columns both aligned to left

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:24

I just discovered the magic of flex boxes (display: flex). Try this:

  #box {
    display: flex;
  #b {
    flex-grow: 100;
    border: 1px solid green;
<div id='box'>
 <div id='a'>Tree</div>
 <div id='b'>View</div>

Flex boxes give me the control I've wished css had for 15 years. Its finally here! More info: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/

3楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:25

Have a look at the available CSS layout frameworks. I would recommend Simpl or, the slightly more complex, Blueprint framework.

If you are using Simpl (which involves importing just one simpl.css file), you can do this:

<div class="Colum­nOne­Half">Tree</div>
<div class="Colum­nOne­Half">View</div>

, for a 50-50 layout, or :

<div class="Colum­nOne­Quarter">Tree</div>
<div class="Colum­nThreeQuarters">View</div>

, for a 25-75 one.

It's that simple.

4楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:25

I wrote a javascript function that I call from jQuery $(document).ready(). This will parse all children of the parent div and only update the right most child.


<div class="stretch">
<div style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; display: inline-block;">Some text
<div class="underline" style="display: inline-block;">Some other text



function stretchDivs() {
    // loop thru each <div> that has class='stretch'
        // get the inner width of this <div> that has class='stretch'
        var totalW = parseInt($(this).css("width"));
        // loop thru each child node
            // subtract the margins, borders and padding
            totalW -= (parseInt($(this).css("margin-left")) 
                     + parseInt($(this).css("border-left-width")) 
                     + parseInt($(this).css("padding-left"))
                     + parseInt($(this).css("margin-right")) 
                     + parseInt($(this).css("border-right-width")) 
                     + parseInt($(this).css("padding-right")));
            // if this is the last child, we can set its width
            if ($(this).is(":last-child")) {
                $(this).css("width","" + (totalW - 1 /* fudge factor */) + "px");
            } else {
                // this is not the last child, so subtract its width too
                totalW -= parseInt($(this).css("width"));
5楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:26

Use calc:

.leftSide {
  float: left;
  width: 50px;
  background-color: green;
.rightSide {
  float: left;
  width: calc(100% - 50px);
  background-color: red;
<div style="width:200px">
  <div class="leftSide">a</div>
  <div class="rightSide">b</div>

The problem with this is that all widths must be explicitly defined, either as a value(px and em work fine), or as a percent of something explicitly defined itself.

6楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:30

Pat - You are right. That's why this solution would satisfy both "dinosaurs" and contemporaries. :)

.btnCont {
  display: table-layout;
  width: 500px;

.txtCont {
  display: table-cell;
  width: 70%;
  max-width: 80%;
  min-width: 20%;

.subCont {
  display: table-cell;
  width: 30%;
  max-width: 80%;
  min-width: 20%;
<div class="btnCont">
  <div class="txtCont">
    Long text that will auto adjust as it grows. The best part is that the width of the container would not go beyond 500px!
  <div class="subCont">
    This column as well as the entire container works like a table. Isn't Amazing!!!

7楼-- · 2018-12-31 03:31

If the width of the other column is fixed, how about using the calc CSS function working for all common browsers:

width: calc(100% - 20px) /* 20px being the first column's width */

This way the width of the second row will be calculated (i.e. remaining width) and applied responsively.

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