I just uploaded a new build to the iTunesConnect in preparation for the iOS 8 release. The app status is "Waiting For Review". However, I want to reject the uploaded binary and upload a new one.
According to Apple docs (section: Removing a Build from Review) there should be a message with the link to remove a build from review.
Expected Message: "You can only edit all information while your version is waiting for review. To submit a new build, you must remove this version from review." Click "remove this version from review"
My issue is I don't see this link in iTunesConnect.(Snapshot)
Is anyone else facing this issue?
Use Safari. It shows up in highlight at the top "Remove this build from waiting for review." (or something similar"
You can download an iTunes Connect app from the App Store and reject the binary by it.
Simply increment your build number and xcode will allow you to upload it. Once uploaded you can select any of the builds you want in iTunesconnect.
If status:Ready for sale you can only submit a new version
If status:waiting for review you can remove the build from the Build section of the itunes connect and click save . Staus will change to "Prepare for Submission".
Afterwards, you can proceed with your final build .
Hope it helps. Thanks