Getting error while calling Alamofire request method in the latest version(4.0.0).
The syntax is:
Alamofire.request(urlString,method: .post, parameters: requestParams, encoding: .JSON, headers: [:])
the type of requestParam is [String:Any]
Getting error while calling Alamofire request method in the latest version(4.0.0).
The syntax is:
Alamofire.request(urlString,method: .post, parameters: requestParams, encoding: .JSON, headers: [:])
the type of requestParam is [String:Any]
My problem was in optional parameters in the headers that were not unwrapped.
It means that some of the parameters type are wrong, check that you are sending these values:
You are getting that error because of the wrong data types.
Parameters Type should be [String : Any] and parameters type shouldn't be an optional.
Header Type should be [String : String] or nil and header type shouldn't be an optional as well.
Hope it helps. :-)
Make sure your
is [String: Any]i.e
I can only refer you to:
Basically, if one of your parameters is of the wrong type, the swift compiler will assume you're using
and then, themethod
is anextra argument
Go over that parameters again and make sure all is of correct type (
, andHTTPHeaders
)Updated for Swift 3: