I have a scenario where I would like to have the name of the view that will be rendering while I'm in the layout file. I can find solutions to find which layout will be wrapping the current view from the view, but not the other way around. How can I find which view is rendering?
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I like the following approach, as you can reduce code size a good bit in a lot of cases. Include this in your application_controller.rb:
Then, if your views correspond to an action, you just do:
In Rails 3.0.3, I was able to see the name of the controller and action using controller_name and action_name. But those are not publicly documented (at least the action name) so I wouldn't depend on it long-term.
It might be better to monkey patch template render. In an initializer:
Then use @last_template in your layout.
The following solution works in Rails 3.1. Place this code in an initializer. (The rails 3.0.3 answer is not working any more in Rails 3.1)
This enables an @active_template variable for every controller. This is an instance of an ActionViewTemplate class.
The method active_template_virtual_path method returns the template as a name in the following form "controller/action"