At one point I had a nice little compression utility that smashed my Delphi compiled EXE's to a smaller download size, but now I can't find it. Any recommendations?
Also, are there any downsides to using these kinds of utilities? (I mainly use them to shorten download times for rural / dial-up users).
Related question: Are there any downsides to using UPX to compress a Windows executable?
The one you are probably thinking of is ASPack - it is a EXE compressor written in Delphi, but will compress any EXE. It might do extra well on Delphi EXE's though. I would agree with the other answers that you should not use an EXE compressor just to save on download times. There may be specific situations where an EXE compress is a good idea, but generally it is not.
Instead use a good installation builder, especially if you can find one that uses 7zip compression. I know InstallAware uses 7zip internally for maximum compression. Depending on which versions of Delphi you own you may have an InstallAware license too.
If nothing else you can build a self extracting archive with basic install behavior with 7zip for free. It is a separate download for SFXs for installers.
I use PEtite:
The recommendation is that you not:
This crazy looking site brings up an argument I had heard in the distant past (whether it's true or not still today, I'm not sure, modern packers probably have a different strategy today) This article references Win32! :)
The main inconvenience of a compressed EXE or DLL is that the OS cannot share the code amongst multiple instances.
So you're wasting memory, have to decompress each time you start an instance, exhibit a virus-like behavior without even an download advantage over a compressed install.
Only positive case is when launching directly from a network drive.
UPX should work, although it's not Delphi specific.
Years ago I looked into compressing my executable to make the download smaller.
What I ended up doing, and what I recommend for you, is to use an installer program like Inno Setup instead. Not only does it create a single EXE that will install/uninstall your program, but it also compresses that EXE practically as much as a separate compressor would do to your executable alone.
When the program is installed it gets decompressed, so it never appears to be a virus and does not increase load times.
So I get the benefits of smaller download size, and a professional-looking installation script at the same time.
p.s. Inno Setup is free.