I want to be able to generate a complete XML file, given a set of XPath mappings.
The input could specified in two mappings: (1) One which lists the XPath expressions and values; and (2) the other which defines the appropriate namespaces.
/create/article[1]/id => 1
/create/article[1]/description => bar
/create/article[1]/name[1] => foo
/create/article[1]/price[1]/amount => 00.00
/create/article[1]/price[1]/currency => USD
/create/article[2]/id => 2
/create/article[2]/description => some name
/create/article[2]/name[1] => some description
/create/article[2]/price[1]/amount => 00.01
/create/article[2]/price[1]/currency => USD
For namespaces:
/create => xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/wsdl/material/ArticleService/1/
/create/article => xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/material/1/‘
/create/article/price => xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/common/1/‘
/create/article/id => xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/material/1/'
Note also, that it is important that I also deal with XPath Attributes expressions as well. For example: I should also be able to handle attributes, such as:
/create/article/@type => richtext
The final output should then look something like:
<ns1:create xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/wsdl/material/ArticleService/1/'>
<ns1:article xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/material/1/‘ type='richtext'>
<ns1:price xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/common/1/'>
<ns1:id xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/material/1/'>1</ns1:id>
<ns1:article xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/material/2/‘ type='richtext'>
<name>some name</name>
<description>some description</description>
<ns1:price xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/common/2/'>
<ns1:id xmlns:ns1='http://predic8.com/material/2/'>2</ns1:id>
PS: This is a more detailed question to a previous question asked, although due to a series of further requirements and clarifications, I was recommended to ask a more broader question in order to address my needs.
Note also, I am implementing this in Java. So either a Java-based or XSLT-based solution would both be perfectly acceptable. thnx.
Further note: I am really looking for a generic solution. The XML shown above is just an example.
Interesting question. Let's assume that your input set of XPath expressions satisfies some reasonsable constraints, for example if there is an X/article[2] then there also (preceding it) an X/article[1]. And let's put the namespace part of the problem to one side for the moment.
Let's go for an XSLT 2.0 solution: we'll start with the input in the form
and then we'll turn this into
Now we'll call a function which does a grouping on the first step, and calls itself recursively to do grouping on the next step:
That's untested, and there may well be details you have to adjust to get it working. But I think the basic approach should work.
The namespace part of the problem is perhaps best tackled by preprocessing the list of paths to add a namespace attribute to each step element; this can then be used in the xsl:element instruction to put the element in the right namespace.
This problem has an easy solution if one builds upon the solution of the previous problem:
When this transformation is applied on any XML document (not used), the wanted, correct result is produced:
A reasonable assumption is made that throughout the generated document any two elements with the same
belong to the same namespace -- this covers the predominant majority of real-world XML documents.The namespace specifications follow the path specifications. A nsmespace specification has the form:
<namespace of="target element's local-name" prefix="wanted prefix" url="namespace-uri"/>
Before generating an element with
, the appropriate namespace specification is selected using an index created by anxsl:key
. From this namespace specification the values of itsprefix
attributes are used in specifying in thexsl:element
instruction the values of the full element name and the element's namespace-uri.