I've succesfully created and uploaded advanced template on my shared host.
As next step, I must run the yii migrate
But I cannot because I've not the console access.
What could you suggest to me?
Please note that
- I cannot change the host, because it's not a decision of mine
- I cannot access the server using SSH
- I've already tried something like PHPShell, but I got
permissione denied
when trying to runyii migrate --interactive=0
I tried also this: added an actionMigrateUp to frontend/controllers/siteController.php
public function actionMigrateUp()
// https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/1764#issuecomment-42436905
$oldApp = \Yii::$app;
new \yii\console\Application([
'id' => 'Command runner',
'basePath' => '@app',
'components' => [
'db' => $oldApp->db,
\Yii::$app->runAction('migrate/up', ['migrationPath' => '@console/migrations/', 'interactive' => false]);
\Yii::$app = $oldApp;
But when I visit /frontend/web/index.php?r=site/migrateUp
I got a 404
exception 'yii\base\InvalidRouteException' with message 'Unable to resolve the request: site/migrateUp' in C:\xampp\htdocs\www\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\base\Controller.php:122
The action that you have created is not accesible with
but with
Otherwise everything should be fine.