I'm trying to access our MailChimp account via the new 3.0 REST API. I've done the following:
using(var http = new HttpClient())
var creds = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("username:mailchimpapikey-us1"));
http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", creds);
string content = await http.GetStringAsync(@"https://us1.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists");
However, when I run this code, I get a 401 error with the following json details:
{"type":"http://kb.mailchimp.com/api/error-docs/401-api-key-invalid","title":"API Key Invalid","status":401,"detail":"Your API key may be invalid, or you've attempted to access the wrong datacenter.","instance":"a9fe4028-519e-41d6-9f77-d2caee4d4683"}
The datacenter I'm using in my URI (us1 in this example) matches the dc on my API key. My API key works if I use the MailChimp SDK so I know my key isn't invalid. Also, using Fiddler, I can see that the MailChimp SDK is calling the same dc as I'm doing in my URI.
Any Ideas as to why I am having trouble Authenticating?
EDIT As noted in the question, I'm asking specifically about accessing the new 3.0 REST API. I'm trying to do this directly as opposed to using a third party wrapper.
The new API is composed of http calls so it should be pretty straight forward. I'm simply having trouble with the authentication piece.
I wrote an article on a simple way up adding subscribers to a list using:
this may save someone some time
Mailchimp Ecommerce
So I was able to finally chat with a super tech support person at MailChimp.
The MailChimp docs state the following
Their documentation is a bit misleading. Typically the Auth header for Basic Auth would look like what I was sending:
However, talking with the support tech, the actual implementation they use is:
No base64 encoding, no Basic keyword. Username doesn't even have to be your username.
So, here is the working code:
EDIT Note the comments. TooMuchPete was correct in that the normal HTTP Basic Auth headers do work. Apparently I was hitting some old code or something on the MailChimp side.
I'm leaving the post as a reference for anyone who is trying to call the new 3.0 API.