I'm setting up a nested categories structure in Backbone with RequireJS.
In this structure, a categories collection contains category models, and a single category model can contain a categories collection.
Unfortunately this seems to cause the dreaded circular dependencies problem in RequireJS. I have read the docs on RequireJS (http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#circular) however I am finding the explanation with 'a' and 'b' confusing.
Here is my code, which is causing the problem:
], function( $, _, Backbone, CategoriesCollection ) {
var Category = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
title: "Untitled"
parse: function(data) {
this.children = new CategoriesCollection( data.children, {parse: true} );
return _.omit( data, "children" );
return Category;
], function( $, _, Backbone, CategoryModel ) {
var Categories = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: CategoryModel
return Categories;
I am wondering if anyone who has experienced this before can help steer me in the right direction.
Thanks (in advance) for your help,
You just need to use
the collection again when you need it in the model, as the Collection passing initially can be undefined:In the example they import also
but it should also work without the import.For this you should consider to use a plugin like Backbone Relational.