I am creating a free version of my iPhone game. I want to have a button inside the free version that takes people to the paid version in the app store. If I use a standard link
the iPhone opens Safari first, and then the app store. I have used other apps that open the app store directly, so I know it is possible.
Any ideas? What is the URL Scheme for the app store?
For Xcode 9.1 and Swift 4:
2.Conform the protocol
3.Implement the protocol
According to Apple's latest document You need to use
Starting from iOS 6 right way to do it by using SKStoreProductViewController class.
Swift 3.x:
Swift 3.2
Swift 2.x:
To be extreamly concise:
If you want to send to all the apps for a developer, use
These work for iOS 4.1
If you want to link to a developer's apps and the developer's name has punctuation or spaces (e.g. Development Company, LLC) form your URL like this:
Otherwise it returns "This request cannot be processed" on iOS 4.3.3
To have a direct link without redirection :
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url];
Be careful, those links only works on actual devices, not in simulator.
Source : https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa2008/qa1629.html
This worked for me perfectly using only APP ID:
The number of redirects is ZERO.