I have some models that have after_save callbacks. Usually that's fine, but in some situations, like when creating development data, I want to save the models without having the callbacks run. Is there a simple way to do that? Something akin to...
Person#save( :run_callbacks => false )
I looked in the Rails docs and didn't find anything. However in my experience the Rails docs don't always tell the whole story.
I found a blog post that explains how you can remove callbacks from a model like this:
I couldn't find where that method is documented but it seems to work.
For creating test data in Rails you use this hack:
rails 3:
Why would you want to be able to do this in development? Surely this will mean you are building your application with invalid data and as such it will behave strangely and not as you expect in production.
If you want to populate your dev db with data a better approach would be to build a rake task that used the faker gem to build valid data and import it into the db creating as many or few records as you desire, but if you are heel bent on it and have a good reason I guess that update_without_callbacks and create_without_callbacks will work fine, but when you are trying to bend rails to your will, ask yourself you have a good reason and if what you are doing is really a good idea.
None of these points to
plugin that just does what you need ...http://github.com/cjbottaro/without_callbacks works with Rails 2.x
Another way would be to use validation hooks instead of callbacks. For example:
That way you can get the do_something by default, but you can easily override it with:
The most
answer might seem confusing in some cases.You can use just a simple
check if you would like to skip a callback, like this: