I have following piece of code :
<rect id = "myRect"
x = "10"
y = "10"
height = "120"
width = "120"
stroke-width = "2px"
stroke = "red"
fill = "blue" />
<g transform = "translate(100,30)">
<use xlink:href = "#myRect" />
<g transform = "translate(100, 100) rotate(45 ? ?)">
<rect id = "myRect"
x = "10"
y = "10"
height = "120"
width = "120"
stroke-width = "2px"
stroke = "green"
fill = "yellow" />
When I translate rectangle without rotation, it is working fine. But when I rotate it, I wanted to rotate it around its center axis point. What should I need to pass to rotate attribute?
Nothing you just need to write the following code with the element in javascript:
You just need to add half the width/height of the rectangle to get its centre.
See transform documentation of the rotate function for more information.
The accepted answer works if you are drawing the rectangle starting at point (0,0) which was the OP case. However for me it was not!
Here is what worked for me:
method, should return [rect-height , rect-width , rect-y , rect x ]Here is a snippet i used on the browser console: