I usually work with SF2, and with Doctrine, Entities can be generated automatically and if you build the schema in a Soft like MySQL Workbench you can do Reverse Engineering.
I'm new to Laravel so there is a way to do these both things? I would use Laravel because I've to do a very little project, but I didn't want to write all this code for what we call "Migrations", seems very boring no?
So there is a way to generate this stuff in laravel? Maybe I've to use Doctrine in Laravel for that?
As far as I can tell there is still no way to reverse a schema to migration files, using Laravel only. But you can:
1) Export your MySQL schema
2) Create a migration to use your schema
3) Boot your full schema
4) After that, if you need to do any changes to your schema, just create new migrations and make your changes.
Not tested, but should work.
I've created a couple classes that can reverse engineer an existing MySQL database: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29584887/3432720
If you want to generate migration files from an existing mysql database you can use a Laravel package called XCMer / larry-four-generator. Apart from reverse engineering it has a bunch of other features.
Try the original best master branch
or my Extended Models fork offering additional functionality