I'm attempting to pass two integers from my Main Page activity (a latitude and longitude) to a second activity that contains an instance of Google Maps that will place a marker at the lat and long provided. My conundrum is that when I retrieve the bundle in the Map_Page activity the integers I passed are always 0, which is the default when they are Null. Does anyone see anything glaringly wrong?
I have the following stored in a button click OnClick method.
Bundle dataBundle = new Bundle();
dataBundle.putInt("LatValue", 39485000);
dataBundle.putInt("LongValue", -80142777);
Intent myIntent = new Intent();
myIntent.setClassName("com.name.tlc", "com.name.tlc.map_page");
Then in my map_page activity I have the following in onCreate to pick up the data.
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
System.out.println("Get Intent done");
if(extras !=null)
System.out.println("Let's get the values");
int latValue = extras.getInt("latValue");
int longValue = extras.getInt("longValue");
System.out.println("latValue = " + latValue + " longValue = " + longValue);
Not the same as
Also it might be because you do not keep the name of the Int exactly the same throughout your code. Java and the Android SDK are Case-sensitive
You don't need to use Bundle in this case.
Do your puts like this...
Then you can retrieve them with...