I've been working with AngularJS for the last few weeks, and the one thing which is really bothering me is that even after trying all permutations or the configuration defined in the specification at http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.directive:select, I still get an empty option as the first child of select element.
Here's the Jade:
select.span9(ng-model='form.type', required, ng-options='option.value as option.name for option in typeOptions');
Here the controller:
$scope.typeOptions = [
{ name: 'Feature', value: 'feature' },
{ name: 'Bug', value: 'bug' },
{ name: 'Enhancement', value: 'enhancement' }
Finally, here's the HTML which gets generated:
<select ng-model="form.type" required="required" ng-options="option.value as option.name for option in typeOptions" class="span9 ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required">
<option value="?" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="0">Feature</option>
<option value="1">Bug</option>
<option value="2">Enhancement</option>
What do I need to do to get rid of it?
P.S.: Things work without this as well, but it just looks odd if you use select2 without multiple selection.
This solution works for me:
Maybe useful for someone:
If you want to use plain options instead of ng-options, you could do like below:
Set the model inline. Use ng-init to get rid of empty option
Yes ng-model will create empty option value, when ng-model property undefined. We can avoid this, if we assign object to ng-model
angular coding
Important Note:
Assign object of array like $scope.collections[0] or $scope.collections[1] to ng-model, dont use object properties. if you are getting select option value from server, using call back function, assign object to ng-model
NOTE from Angular document
Note: ngModel compares by reference, not value. This is important when binding to an array of objects. see an example http://jsfiddle.net/qWzTb/
i have tried lot of times finally i found it.
Ok, actually the answer is way simple: when there is a option not recognized by Angular, it includes a dull one. What you are doing wrong is, when you use ng-options, it reads an object, say
[{ id: 10, name: test }, { id: 11, name: test2 }] right?
This is what your model value needs to be to evaluate it as equal, say you want selected value to be 10, you need to set your model to a value like
{ id: 10, name: test }
to select 10, therefore it will NOT create that trash.Hope it helps everybody to understand, I had a rough time trying :)
A grind solution with jQuery when you haven't the control of the options
This works perfectly fine
the way it works is, that this gives the first option to be displayed before selecting something and the
removes it form the dropdown so if you want you can doand this will give you the
select and option
before selecting but once selected it will disappear, and it will not show up in the dropdown.