As the title indicates, when a client requests to write a file to the hdfs, how does the HDFS or name node choose which datanode to store the file? Does the hdfs try to store all the blocks of this file in the same node or some node in the same rack if it is too big? Does the hdfs provide any APIs for applications to store the file in a certain datanode as he likes?
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The code for choosing datanode is in function
.The comment says that :
It doesn`t provide any API for applications to store the file in the datanode they want.
Now with Hadoop-385 patch, we can choose the block placement policy, so as to place all blocks of a file in the same node (and similarly for replicated nodes). Read this blog about this topic - look at the comments section.
If someone prefers charts, here is a picture (source):
HDFS has a BlockPlacementPolicyDefault, check the API documentation for more details. It should be possible to extend BlockPlacementPolicy for a custom behavior.
The placement behavior should not be specific to a particular datanode. That's what makes HDFS resilient to failure and also scalable.
You can see that when namenode instructs datanode to store data. The first replica is stored in the local machine and other two replicas are made on other rack and so on.
If any replica fails, data is stored from other replica. Chances of failing every replica is just like falling of fan on your head while you were sleeping :p i.e. there is very less chance for that.