I'm diving into performance tools that are shipped with Google Chrome as I'm trying to get my head around performance improvements techniques. I'm playing around with Timeline tab, and I found that on my page First Paint event is happening before DOMContentLoaded event. I read a few articles and reportedly the first moment when browser can start displaying stuff to the user must be after DOMContentLoaded. Could somebody please explain it this is true?
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DOMContentLoaded means that the parser has completed converting the HTML into DOM nodes and executed any synchronous scripts.
That does not preclude the browser from rendering an incomplete DOM/CSSOM tree. In fact it has to be able to perform reflows anyway in case javascript queries computed CSS properties. And if it can do reflows on incomplete trees it may as well render them.
This is also relevant for large documents streamed from a server. The user can already start reading it before it has completed loading.
It is important to understand that the whole parsing / evaluation / rendering process is a stream processing pipeline with some parts even done in parallel / speculatively. The later stages of the pipeline do not wait for the earlier stages to finish, instead they take the outputs as they arrive and process them as soon as enough information is available to do the next increment.
E.g. the parser obviously cannot emit Element nodes before processing all of its attributes, but it can emit the node while still processing its child tree. And the renderer may render the node without its children. And it may be rendered with incomplete styles only to undergo a reflow later, e.g. when javascript inserts another style sheet or simply because the child nodes which have yet to be inserted affect how it will be rendered.
Great question! as I know this is not always the case. What browser needs to paint is the render tree and that means it needs DOM and CSSOM but the point is that there are obstacles like parser blocking Java Script or render blocking CSS which can stop this process. But your question is specifically about DOMContentLoaded if you read the steps defined for user agent in http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-end and specially step 4 you will see the this event is fired whenever there is no script left for execution but what if you mark the script with defer or async by doing this you promise that the script will not query on CSSOM. Here is the time line I captured from my dummy sample note that I marked java script as defer: TimeLine Example in this chart you can see that first paint is before DCL! This is also a good article about analyzing critical rendering path written by Ilya Grigorik