I'm trying to redirect users that have failed the sign up form (e.g. they entered a username that is already taken, they left a field blank, etc...)
I have custom failure set up for users that fail the sign in form, code below:
class CustomFailure < Devise::FailureApp
def redirect_url
def respond
if http_auth?
However, I've been stuck on how to set this up for sign up failure. Ideally I would just like to redirect them back/to root_path, any ideas? Thank you!
It's a bit tedious to modify certain parts of devise to suit your needs and I suspect it's because the gem does a good job to cover most common cases. However, edge-cases for use of devise are a lot and your question points to one of them. I had to do something similar, that is, make sure devise redirects to a specific page when a user does one of the following:
First, create a controller called RegistrationsController that inherits from Devise::RegistrationsController like so:
Inside this controller you will have override the create method in devise. Go to the devise github page here, https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/blob/master/app/controllers/devise/registrations_controller.rb to view the create method and copy the code in that method. Then create a private method to override the returning statment of the last block of the if statement. Your controller should look like so,
It should work.
To keep flash error messages add this line before the redirect_to in your override
So in your registrations_controller.rb :
You will probably need to subclass
and override the create action. Just copy over the create method from here and modify the redirect on failure to save.Change your routes to tell Devise to use your controller: