I create a TextView dynamically and want to set the text as linkable. Text value is "Google". I referred to internet & blogs like this, which shows the same way, but I couldn't produce the expected results.
I tried different ways, but the output I see is the whole text with text only. The code I have tried with is :
TextView tv1 = new TextView(this);
// Make Linkable
/*SpannableString s = new SpannableString(l.getLeftString());
Linkify.addLinks(s, Linkify.WEB_URLS);
In my output I see "Google" and no link. I also tried Clean project & building it again, but no success. I am looking to see only "Google" as underlined with blue color (as default) and on clicking Google, the browser open with http://google.com.
What is lacking in my code to get the output ? BTW For REF : I use 64bit Win 7, Java, Eclipse, Android API 8-2.2
Any help is highly appreciated.
I was also facing the same issue I resolved using following
for changing the link color to blue use
Here is my simple implementation tested up to Android N.
Pass this statement to your textview, and in string.xml set an string as
Now pass this string name " android:text="@string/txtCredits" to your xml class where the txtview is there .
I finally got it working using the following code :
l.getRightString() - contains a url like http:\www.google.com l.getLeftString() - contains text for the url like "Go to Google"
RESULTS : Text "Go to Google" on my dialog with blue color and underlined, and on clicking it the browser opens up and shwows the respective page. On returning/Exiting the browser it again comes to the app from the state where it had left.
Hope this helps.
Save your html in a string
Set textview ID to to
In main activity use following code: