I have a simple single-page javascript webapp which uses "Google Sign-In for Websites": https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/sign-in
How can I get an access token for the user? I need a verifiable assertion of the user's identity on my server. I don't want offline access; I just want to know that when the web client sends an ajax request to my server, I can trust the identity of the logged-in user.
For verification purposes it would be better to use the
which is part of the auth response, and can be retrieved at any point like this:The Google API Client libraries offer functions to verify the id_token and give you the associated user information on the server side: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/
Hope your are doing well. Here is the solution, You may try this: Actually there is no such a function name getAccessToken (Android Only) define in GoogleSignin.android.js as written here https://github.com/devfd/react-native-google-signin. But the best part is they have already implemented the solution in GoogleSignin.android.js. just take a look at the code below from GoogleSignin.android.js
The thing is only we have do use this code wisely. I have use the below code to get access_token and it help me to solve my access token problem. I change above function like this in GoogleSignin.android.js
and I call this function like this from index.android.js.
You can call it as a individual function it look like this. in GoogleSignin.android.js
and from index.android.js just call this function like this
only you have to do is to pass the current user to get access token. Hope this will help you.Have a great day.Thank You.