I'm using HighCharts. Here is the documentation. I would like to turn off those points but at first I do not know how is that called. Therefore I can not turn them off. Do you know how am I able to kill those points?
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Take a look at this from the HighCharts API reference:
The options you need to add are this:
This method is nice as it will work with all charts with the point markers. If you want a specific chart type, check this out:
In Highcharts we have three ways to disable markers:
1) Disable for all series by type:
2) Disable for one specific series:
3) Disable marker for a certain point:
Here's an example with a line chart: http://jsfiddle.net/aeZ6P/1/
Important part:
See also: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/plotOptions.line.marker.enabled
Same effect with spline: http://jsfiddle.net/aeZ6P/