Can you recommend any book or other resources for learning Zend Framework for absolute beginngers with moderate PHP skills. Thanks.
- Zend Auth locked session
- Zend/PHP: Problem uploading/downloading file to/fr
- PHP Zend Framework - Zend_Config and global state
- 'Zend_Db_Statement_Exception' with message
- How to handle with foreign languages?
- Possible disadvantages of Zend [closed]
- Zend Framework Modules with common resources
- Zend Form Validator Callback: How to exclude a use
- Exception while setting up the wurfl in zend
- How to create admin in Zend framework?
- zend framework and jquery - attach event from serv
- Magento: Programatically update cart via event
- move_uploaded_file() with Zend doens't
I just started 4 days ago to use Zend Framework together with Doctrine ORM. To be honest it's very complicated to get started with it. I used the zend documentation, for example the quick start guide. There is an irc channel on freenode In addition I googled a lot, there are some good answers here on stack overflow. Sometimes it is good to search for "[what you wanna do] tutorial" this way you get quicker solutions, because the manual often does not give you the general overview, it just explains one or some components.
You can reffere below link for detail study of how zend frameworks basics work.
Survive The Deep End is a good resource to start with a concrete project.
For me, the three definitive ZF Getting Started tutorials are:
Two additional applications which I have found helpful, though a little more advanced, are:
Learned a lot from all of them.
And, of course:
In the end, Rob Allen's answer says it all.