in my python program to upload a file to the internet, im using a GTK progress bar to show the upload progress. But the problems that im facing is that the progress bar does not show any activity until the upload is complete, and then it abruptly indicates upload complete. im using pycurl to make the http question is - do i need to have a multi-threaded application to upload the file and simultaneously update the gui? or is there some other mistake that im making?
Thanks in advance!
One option, if you are not married to pycurl, is to use GObject's IO watchers.
Using this you can interleave the file upload with the normal PyGTK event loop, and even do the set_progress call in your IO watch callback. If you are offloading all the work for uploading onto pycurl this is not really feasible, but if you're just uploading a file over HTTP, io_add_watch will make using a socket for this much less painful as well.
More than likely the issue is that in your progress callback, which is where I presume you're updating the progress bar, you're not making a call to manually update the display i.e. run through the GUI's event loop. This is just speculation though, if you can provide more code, it might be easier to narrow it down further.
The reason you need to manually update the display is because your main thread is also performing the upload, which is where it's blocking.
Yes, you probably need concurrency, and yes threads are one approach, but if you do use threads, please use an method like this one: which will abstract away the pain, and allow you to focus on the important aspects.
(I have not repeated everything in that blog post through laziness, hence community wiki).
I'm going to quote the PyGTK FAQ:
In python 2.x integer operands result in integer division. Try this: