How can i test my application after reboot(BOOT COMPLETED) using Genymotion I am using nexus 4 as device
<receiver android:name="com.template.SampleBootReceiver"
<action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
Press and HOLD the power button on Genymotion's UI on the bottom right. That will pop up the menu to restart. The app will freeze up as it shuts down, but upon rebooting it you will see that it has restarted.
You can press emulator power button. When pressed, you will see option dialog. That dialog you can choose "Restart". Hope for help.
You can use the command line with
adb reboot
. It should restart your device.To use adb you need to be inside the adb binary's folder. ie,
<android SDK>/platform-tools/
or<genymotion folder>/tools/
if the android SDK is not installed. You can also these folders to your path to access it from anywhere.Found the solution using also the answer from @eyal-lezmy and other stuff on the web. If you have more than one device running, you can reboot a specific device in this way
Inside the shell, run
, take note of IP address and port of the device you want to reboot and exit.From
runWhen on linux I found the adb binary in
In my case:
~/genymotion/tools/adb reboot
Works like a charm.
works for me on mac:
Genymotion emulator restarts...