My code code is:
public Bitmap loadPhoto(Uri uri) {
Bitmap scaled = null;
try {
scalled = Bitmap.createBitmap(
MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(getContentResolver(), uri),
0,0,90, 90);
if (scaled == null) { return null; }
} catch(Exception e) { }
return scaled;
After this. I display scaled in ImageView. Every image comes from the device camera.
Every time, I get error: out of memory after I display three photos from camera. How to solve this?
For those who are looking for code sample:
The MediaStore.getBitmap method is a convenience method that does not specify a sample size when obtaining the bitmap. If you are using getBitmap(ContentResolver, Uri), and want to use a sample size, just use the ContentResolver to get the input stream, and decode the bitmap as you would normally (calculating sample size first, and then loading it with the appropriate sample size).
Try using BitmapFactory to fix the problem