since Play Framework 2.4 there is the possibility to use dependency injection (with Guice).
Before I used objects (for example AuthenticationService
) in my ActionBuilders:
object AuthenticatedAction extends ActionBuilder[AuthenticatedRequest] {
override def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: (AuthenticatedRequest[A]) => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = {
AuthenticationService.authenticate (...)
Now AuthenticationService
is not an object anymore, but a class. How can I still use the AuthenticationService
in my ActionBuilder
I like accepted answer but for some reason the compiler would not recognize the authService reference. I got around this pretty easily by just sending the service in the method signature, a la...
I didn't like the way one was required to inherit in the above example. But apparently it's possible to simply wrap a
inside class:Define your action builders inside a trait with the authentication service as an abstract field. Then mix them into your controllers, into which you inject the service. For example:
and the controller: