Overriding private methods in Java

2019-01-02 21:11发布

As succinctly described here, overriding private methods in Java is invalid because a parent class's private methods are "automatically final, and hidden from the derived class". My question is largely academic.

How is it not a violation of encapsulation to not allow a parent's private method to be "overridden" (ie, implemented independently, with the same signature, in a child class)? A parent's private method cannot be accessed or inherited by a child class, in line with principles of encapsulation. It is hidden.

So, why should the child class be restricted from implementing its own method with the same name/signature? Is there a good theoretical foundation for this, or is this just a pragmatic solution of some sort? Do other languages (C++ or C#) have different rules on this?

2楼-- · 2019-01-02 21:41

A class is defined by what methods it makes available and how they behave. Not how those are implemented internally (e.g. via calls to private methods).

Because encapsulation has to do with behavior and not implementation details, private methods have nothing to do with the idea encapsulation. In a sense, your question makes no sense. It's like asking "How is putting cream in coffee not a violation of encapsulation?"

Presumably the private method is used by something that is public. You can override that. In doing so, you've changed behavior.

3楼-- · 2019-01-02 21:43

Well, allowing private methods to be overwritten will either cause a leak of encapsulation or a security risk. If we assume that it were possible, then we’d get the following situation:

  1. Let's say that there's a private method boolean hasCredentials() then an extended class could simply override it like this:

    boolean hasCredentials() { return true; }

    thus breaking the security check.

  2. The only way for the original class to prevent this would be to declare its method final. But now, this is leaks implementation information through the encapsulation, because a derived class now cannot create a method hasCredentials any more – it would clash with the one defined in the base class.

    That’s bad: lets say this method doesn’t exist at first in Base. Now, an implementor can legitimately derive a class Derived and give it a method hasCredentials which works as expected.

    But now, a new version of the original Base class is released. Its public interface doesn’t change (and neither do its invariants) so we must expect that it doesn’t break existing code. Only it does, because now there’s a name clash with a method in a derived class.

I think the question stems from a misunderstanding:

How is it /not/ a violation of encapsulation to not allow a parent's private method to be "overridden" (ie, implemented independently, with the same signature, in a child class)

The text inside the parentheses is the opposite of the text before it. Java does allow you to “independently implement [a private method], with the same signature, in a child class”. Not allowing this would violate encapsulation, as I’ve explained above.

But “to not allow a parent's private method to be "overridden"” is something different, and necessary to ensure encapsulation.

4楼-- · 2019-01-02 21:50

It seems to be a matter of choice and definition. The reason you can't do this in java is because the specification says so, but the question were more why the specification says so.

The fact that C++ allows this (even if we use virtual keyword to force dynamic dispatch) shows that there is no inherent reason why you couldn't allow this.

However it seem to be perfectly legal to replace the method:

class B {
    private int foo() 
        return 42;

    public int bar()
        return foo();

class D extends B {
    private int foo()
        return 43;

    public int frob()
        return foo();

Seems to compile OK (on my compiler), but the D.foo is not related to B.foo (ie it doesn't override it) - bar() always return 42 (by calling B.foo) and frob() always returns 43 (by calling D.foo) no matter whether called on a B or D instance.

One reason that Java does not allow override the method would be that they didn't like to allow the method to be changed as in Konrad Rudolph's example. Note that C++ differs here as you need to use the "virtual" keyword in order to get dynamic dispatch - by default it hasn't so you can't modify code in base class that relies on the hasCredentials method. The above example also protects against this as the D.foo does not replace calls to foo from B.

5楼-- · 2019-01-02 21:54

Beyond anything said before, there's a very semantic reason for not allowing private methods to be overridden...THEY'RE PRIVATE!!!

If I write a class, and I indicate that a method is 'private', it should be completely unseeable by the outside world. Nobody should be able access it, override it, or anything else. I simply ought to be able to know that it is MY method exclusively and that nobody else is going to muck with it or depend on it. It could not be considered private if someone could muck with it. I believe that it's that simple really.

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